Ancient Roman Topography

RUIZ OSUNA, A. B. (2005): “La via sephulcralis occidental: un ejemplo de monumentalización funeraria en Colonia Patricia Corduba”, AAC, nº 16, 79-104.

Funerary Archaeology / Monumental architecture of the roman empire / Roman Funerary Architecture / Ancient Roman Topography

Un capítulo de los gastos en construcción pública en época de Domiciano en las \"prouinciae\". La iniciativa imperial

Roman History / Latin Epigraphy / Emperor Domitian / Flavian World / Ancient Roman Topography / Roman Archaeology

Hercules Musarum in Circo Flaminio. Dalla dedica di Fulvio Nobiliore alla Porticus Philippi, in ArchClass. 64, 2014, pp. 401-431.

Roman History / Landscape Archaeology / Hellenistic History / Landscape Urbanism / Roman Architecture / Ancient Roman Topography / Roman Archaeology / Ancient Roman Topography / Roman Archaeology


Roman Religion / Latin Epigraphy / Ancient Roman Topography / Roman Archaeology

La sirga en el Tiber en época romana.

Roman History / Roman ports / Roman Amphorae / Tiber Valley / Roman horrea / Roman Transport / Monte Testaccio / Ancient Ships / Ancient Roman Topography / Ostia, Portus / Ancient transportation / Roman Archaeology / Roman Transport Amphoras / Roman Ships / Roman Transport / Monte Testaccio / Ancient Ships / Ancient Roman Topography / Ostia, Portus / Ancient transportation / Roman Archaeology / Roman Transport Amphoras / Roman Ships

Blázquez Martínez J.M., Remesal Rodríguez J. Estudios sobre el Monte Testaccio (Roma) I. Instrumenta 6

Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Greek Epigraphy / Latin Epigraphy / Imperial Rome / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Economy / History of Rome / Ancient Rome / Roman Baetica / Epigraphy / Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Monte Testaccio / Ancient Roman Topography / Sanctuaries in Ancient Rome and Italy / Roman Archaeology / Testaccio, Anfore / Baetica / Mattatoio di Testaccio / CEIPAC / Roman Economy / History of Rome / Ancient Rome / Roman Baetica / Epigraphy / Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Monte Testaccio / Ancient Roman Topography / Sanctuaries in Ancient Rome and Italy / Roman Archaeology / Testaccio, Anfore / Baetica / Mattatoio di Testaccio / CEIPAC
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